Anndi + Tom - Hiphop Remix

When Anndi first messaged me about wanting to do a mix of styles for her first dance that included hiphop, salsa, dirty dancing, AND footloose, I could not contain my excitment!! Honestly, I had to read the message a few times to make sure I was reading it right! It’s not often that I get all of my favorite music genres in one request. She envisioned something completely out of the box for her first dance to a unique mix of Can’t Help Falling in Love by UB40, Only You by Mase, and Let’s Get Married by Jagged Edge x ReMarqable- Go ahead, listen and try real hard not to start dancin’- I loved her idea! Anndi and Tom commited to lessons, traveling an hour+ to learn their first dance and although Tom was skeptical at first that they would be able to finish the dance in time (the grooms always are), they crushed it and I had a blast teaching them. They are such a sweet, fun couple and I am so happy Anndi trusted me with making her vision come to life!

J. Rayne Photography


Alyssa + Mike “There’s No Way”


Father+Daughter dance- “Tootsie Roll”