Whitney + Brandon- “Back In the Day”

During my first conversation with Whitney, I knew she was one of MY PEOPLE. She told me if you could have every dance at her wedding choreographed, she would lol! Her and Brandon are both surfers and fell in love listening to a deep house song on repeat. Their dilema: they absolutely loved this song but didn’t know if they could use it as their first dance song choice. (Listen to it here) Isn’t it SO GOOD?! It has such a care-free, feel-good vibe with the catchiest beat! I RARELY ever discourage couples from songs, especially if it holds a special meaning for them so I told her, “let’s do it!” We started off slow just like the song and planned a fun lift for the funky saxophone solo and honestly it’s become one of my favorite dances yet! We finished their dance lessons early so Whitney invited her dad to come in for a few simple moves they could use for their father/daughter dance. I learned that the love for dance runs in the family because daddio has got some MOVES! I’m so happy I was able to help both Whitney, Brandon, and her dad AND had so much fun with them! Congrats again Whitney and Brandon!!

Photography by Elizabeth Dugan


Ben + Steph “Golden Hour”


Kaitlyn + Colin- “You Are the Best Thing”